Practical 9: Nematode: Morphology, Life Cycle & Disease Symptoms

A. Observe the following slide preparation

1.General shape nematode

2. Spherical-shaped adult nematode.

3. Kidney-shaped adult nematode.

4. Difference between parasitic & non-parasitic nematode
Meloidogyne incognita


5. Type of stylet
a) Stomatostylet

b) Odontostylet

6. Type of esophagus
a) Dorylaimid

b) Tylenchid

7) Difference between male and female nematode

8. Type of nematode tail
a) Sphere-shaped

b) Semi-sphere shaped

c) Cone Shaped

B. Observe the following slide preparation
1. Adult female Meloidogyne sp with eggs in the root.

2. Stage 3 Meloidogyne larvae in the root 

3. Adult female Meloidogyne

4. Adult male Meloidogyne 

5. Adult female Rotylenchulus with eggs outside of the root.

6. Stage 2 Rotylenchulus larvae (No 2 is the stage 2

7. Adult male & female Rotylenchulus in the root

8. Hoplolaimus in root

C. Observe the demonstration of symptoms of the disease caused by the nematode

D. A diagrammatic example of a life cycle of the plant-parasitic nematode
