Practical 4 - Protozoa, Chromista and Lower Fungi
Tutorial : Preparing slide from fungal like and lower fungi B. Plant disease specimens. Downy mildew of cucurbits Disease symptom 1. Club root disease Development of disease - The single zoospore produced from resting spores penetrates root hairs and there develops into a plasmodium. After a few days, the plasmodium cleaves into multinucleate portions and each develops into zoospore. The zoospore are discharge outside the host through pore dissolved in the host cell wall. Some zoospore fuse in pairs to produce zygotes,which can cause new infections and produce new plasmodium. These zoospores penetrate young root tissues diretly, whereas older, thickened roots and underground stems are penetrate through wounds. From thesse points of primary infections the plasmodium spreads to corticl cells and the cambium by direct penetration.when it reaches the cambium, the plasmodium spread in all directions in the cambium, outward into the cortex and inward toward the x...