Practical 5 - Higher fungi (Ascomycota)

Penicillium sp. Penicillium AIM To observe pure cultures of Penicillium sp ., Chaetomium sp ., Fusarium sp ., and Curvularia sp . To examine and record the plant disease symptoms specimens caused by fungi of phylum Ascomycota To examine and record fungal structures from the slides displayed To observe the disease cycles of various Ascomycetes INTRO Ascomycota , also called sac fungi , a phylum of fungi (kingdom Fungi) characterized by a saclike structure, the ascus , which contains four to eight ascospores in the sexual stage. A) FUNGAL CULTURE PROCEDURE Preparing slide from fungal culture Ascomycota. Penicillium sp., Chaetomium sp., Fusarium sp. , and Curvularia sp ., has been provided. Firstly, clean slide and cover slide were prepared. Inoculation needle was used to transfer fungal specimen on the slide and was sterilled with alcohol before used. A small drop of lacto...